France Forum


All the pages should not exceed A4 format

[ X] Copies of Passport with minimum of 6 months validity (all pages)
[X ] Copy of the previous passport (all pages)
[X ] Five forms (for long stay) or Two forms (for short stay) fully filled in, with 3 (recent) photos (passport size 2 x 1.5 inches, white background, taken within the last 6 months, no side pose, no hat, no veil)
[ X] 5 photos
[ X] Letter of the applicant justifying the reason of the request
[ X] Document proving the current situation (original document required)
[X] Personal bank statements (last 3 months) and personal financial resources
[X] If the applicant has no personal resources, official affidavit (original required) showing financial support by a sponsor
[X ] name and age of children if any (original nadra required)
[X ] copies of documents showing the husband’s current situation : certificate of enrolment in a higher education establishment in France, document proving accomodation and amount of the lease
[ X] Air ticket reservation


ARTICLE 21 DE L’ORDONNANCE DU 2 NOVEMBRE 1945 MODIFIEE : Toute personne française ou étrangère résidant en France ou sur le territoire d’un autre Etat partie à la Convention de Schengen qui aura, par aide directe ou indirecte, facilité ou tenté de faciliter l’entrée, la circulation ou le séjour irrégulier d’un étranger en France ou sur le territoire d’un autre Etat partie de la Convention Schengen sera punie d’un emprisonnement de 5 ans et d’une amende de 30.000 euros.

Any French national or foreigner residing in France or in any other Schengen state helping or trying to help, directly or indirectly, a foreigner to enter, circulate or stay irregularly in France or in any other Schengen state will be punished of 5 years jail and 30.000 (thirthy thousand) euros.


Date : Month day, Year

                                                LETTER OF MOTIVATION

                                                                                                The Honorable Ambassador,
                                                                                                Embassy of France in Pakistan,
                                                                                                Diplomatic Enclave, G5,

Subject :         Family Reunion

Dear Ambassador,
            With due respect, I, “the name of spouse”, holding the Country_Name Passport, having the number: “Passport#”, writing this letter of motivation to fulfil the “long-stay/short-stay visa” requirements for Family Reunion in France. I hereby, would like to join my “husband/wife” in France. I would also request to consider my application’s validity and stay until the completion of his/her “doctoral studies” in France [in case of short visa change the last sentence].


                                                                                                Spouse Name,


Documents for tourism visa


The Visa applicants are informed that the incomplete applications will be rejected technically. The Embassy will no more ask to provide more informations and additional documents.

- All the pages must be in A4 format.

- 2 forms fully filled in block letters, with 2 photos not older than 3 months (passport size 2 x 1.5 inches, white background, taken within the last 6 months, no side pose, no hat, no veil)- no “photoshop” photo allowed ;

- Copies of Passport (all pages) with minimum 6 months validity – children must be holders of their own passport ;

- Copy of the Previous passports (all pages) ;

- Copy of the ID card, both sides ;

- Introduction letter (explaining the purpose of travel) ;

- Proof of employment by the company, mentioning how long the applicant has been employed (in english). The employer must confirm that the applicant is granted leave ;

- If the applicant runs his own business, he/she must present proof of registration of the business with the relevant authorities. English translation must be provided ;

- Tax papers for the previous 2 years.English translation must be provided

- Salary slips (last 3 months) - income tax documents for people owning their business ;

- Air ticket reservation (return reservation is required), with dates and flight numbers specifying date of departure from Pakistan, date of entry and exit from Schengen states ;

- Confirmed hotel or other accomodation booking

- If the travel has been arranged by a travel agency, letter from the travel agency with all contact numbers ;

- Documents showing the overall itinerary, hotel booking and means of transport used, if the trip includes several Schengen countries

- In case of transit, visa or and air ticket to your main destination

- If entering or leaving the Schengen state by car, all documents related to the private car used – international insurance ;

- Personal bank statement (last 3 months), with letter of the bank manager ;

- Financial guarantees according to the length of stay ;

- Nikah nama, birth certificates and family registration certificates, duly certified and translated in French by Alliance Française;

- Health and travel insurance policy valid for all Schengen states, covering for a minimum of 30.000 euros, issued by the following companies only : AIG (except for children under the age of 6 months and for the persons over the age of 85), EAGLET, ACE, IGI, UIC, Adamjee insurance Company Ltd, Askari General Insurance, Atlas Insurance, Century Insurance Company Limited (CICL), The Universal Insurance Co. Ltd, New Jubilee Insurance Co, PICIC Insurance Limited, EFU General, Takaful Pakistan Ltd.

- Applicants must present insurance policy stating policy number, name of insured person, validity and schedule benefits. The insurance must cover medical attention, emergency hospital treatment and repatriation for medical reasons.

- Fee : equivalent to 60 euros (according to daily exchange rate)

Any French national or foreigner residing in France or in any other Schengen state helping or trying to help, directly or indirectly, a foreigner to enter, circulate or stay irregularly in France or in any other Schengen state will be punished of 5 years jail and 30.000 (thirthy thousand) euros.


Documents for Family Visit Visa


The Visa applicants are informed that the incomplete applications will be rejected technically. The Embassy will no more ask to provide more information and additional documents.

- All the pages must be in A4 format

- Two forms fully filled in block letters, with 2 (recent) photos (passport size 2 x 1.5 inches, white background, taken within the last 6 months, no side pose, no hat, no veil)- no “photoshop” photo allowed ;

- Copies of Passport (all pages) with minimum of 6 months validity – children must be holders of their own passport ;

- Copy of the previous passports (all pages) ;

- Copy of the ID card, both sides ;

- Introduction letter explaining purpose of travel ;

- Salary slips (last 3 months) ;

- Proof of registration of the business with the relevant authorities, and income tax documents for people owning their business ;

- Personal bank statement (last 3 months) -with letter of the bank manager ;

- Financial guarantees according to the length of stay ;

- Any document proving the situation of the applicant (marriage certificate if married, death certificate if widow, divorce certificate if divorced or separated)- urdu original copies, duly certified by the relevant authority – translated by Alliance Française ;

- Family registration certificate of the family of the applicant residing in Pakistan ;

- Any original document (i.e NADRA family registration form, B-form…) showing family relationships between the applicant and the sponsor translated into French by any Alliance Française in your country;

- For children, B-Form and birth certificate, translated in French by Alliance Française ;

- Bank statements (last 3 months) and financial resources of the sponsor in France ;

- Salary slips (6 months) of the sponsor in France ;

- Tax payment assessment of the sponsor in France ;

- Copies of the CNI and CNF of the sponsor in France ;

- Photocopy of the French resident card - if the sponsor is resident of France ;

- Air ticket reservation (return ticket is required) ;

- Travel insurance policy valid for all Schengen states, covering for a minimum of 30.000 euros, issued by the following companies only : AIG (except for children under the age of 6 months and for the persons over the age of 85), EAGLET, ACE, IGI, UIC, Adamjee insurance Company Ltd, Askari General Insurance, Atlas Insurance, Century Insurance Company Limited (CICL), The Universal Insurance Co. Ltd, New Jubilee Insurance Co, PICIC Insurance Limited, EFU General, Takaful Pakistan Ltd. ;

- Original Attestation d’accueil (French official sponsor letter).

-  Fees : equivalent to 60 euros for short stay, 99 euros for long stay (according to daily exchange rate)
ARTICLE 21 DE L’ORDONNANCE DU 2 NOVEMBRE 1945 MODIFIEE : Toute personne française ou étrangère résidant en France ou sur le territoire d’un autre Etat partie à la Convention de Schengen qui aura, par aide directe ou indirecte, facilité ou tenté de faciliter l’entrée, la circulation ou le séjour irrégulier d’un étranger en France ou sur le territoire d’un autre Etat partie de la Convention Schengen sera punie d’un emprisonnement de 5 ans et d’une amende de 30.000 euros.

Any French national or foreigner residing in France or in any other Schengen state helping or trying to help, directly or indirectly, a foreigner to enter, circulate or stay irregularly in France or in any other Schengen state will be punished of 5 years jail and 30.000 (thirthy thousand) euros.

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